Apple HTTP Live Streaming
HTTP Live Streaming (also known as HLS) is an HTTP-based media streaming communications protocol implemented by Apple Inc. as part of its QuickTime, Safari, OS X, and iOS software. Client implementations are also available in Microsoft Edge, Firefox and some versions of Google Chrome. Support is widespread in streaming media servers
Filename https://stream1.freetv.fun/8f4cfb0042082c2f20aca0cc1f6d013fee61f23cdfe33c9aa343512f507dd17a.m3u8
Format Long Name Apple HTTP Live Streaming
Format Name hls
Nb Programs 4
Nb Streams 9
Probe Score 100
Start Time 39277.520000
Avg Frame Rate 25/1
Bits Per Raw Sample 8
Chroma Location left
Closed Captions 0
Codec Long Name H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
Codec Name h264
Codec Tag 0x001b
Codec Tag String [27][0][0][0]
Codec Type video
Coded Height 240
Coded Width 426
Color Primaries bt470bg
Color Range tv
Color Space bt470bg
Color Transfer bt470bg
Display Aspect Ratio 71:40
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Extradata Size 52
Film Grain 0
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Height 240
Is Avc false
Level 30
Nal Length Size 0
Pix Fmt yuv420p
Profile Constrained Baseline
R Frame Rate 25/1
Refs 1
Sample Aspect Ratio 1:1
Start Pts 3535246800
Start Time 39280.520000
Tags {"variant_bitrate"=>"300000"}
Time Base 1/90000
Width 426
Avg Frame Rate 25/1
Bits Per Raw Sample 8
Chroma Location left
Closed Captions 0
Codec Long Name H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
Codec Name h264
Codec Tag 0x001b
Codec Tag String [27][0][0][0]
Codec Type video
Coded Height 720
Coded Width 1280
Color Primaries bt709
Color Range tv
Color Space bt709
Color Transfer bt709
Display Aspect Ratio 16:9
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Extradata Size 53
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Height 720
Is Avc false
Level 32
Nal Length Size 0
Pix Fmt yuv420p
Profile Main
R Frame Rate 25/1
Refs 1
Sample Aspect Ratio 1:1
Start Pts 3535192800
Start Time 39279.920000
Tags {"variant_bitrate"=>"1300000"}
Time Base 1/90000
Width 1280
Avg Frame Rate 25/1
Bits Per Raw Sample 8
Chroma Location left
Closed Captions 0
Codec Long Name H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
Codec Name h264
Codec Tag 0x001b
Codec Tag String [27][0][0][0]
Codec Type video
Coded Height 1080
Coded Width 1920
Color Primaries bt709
Color Range tv
Color Space bt709
Color Transfer bt709
Display Aspect Ratio 16:9
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Extradata Size 53
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Height 1080
Is Avc false
Level 40
Nal Length Size 0
Pix Fmt yuv420p
Profile Main
R Frame Rate 25/1
Refs 1
Sample Aspect Ratio 1:1
Start Pts 3534976800
Start Time 39277.520000
Tags {"variant_bitrate"=>"1600000"}
Time Base 1/90000
Width 1920
Avg Frame Rate 0/0
Bits Per Sample 0
Channel Layout stereo
Channels 2
Codec Long Name AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
Codec Name aac
Codec Tag 0x000f
Codec Tag String [15][0][0][0]
Codec Type audio
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Profile LC
R Frame Rate 0/0
Sample Fmt fltp
Sample Rate 48000
Start Pts 3535335030
Start Time 39281.500333
Tags {"variant_bitrate"=>"300000"}
Time Base 1/90000
Avg Frame Rate 0/0
Bits Per Sample 0
Channel Layout stereo
Channels 2
Codec Long Name AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
Codec Name aac
Codec Tag 0x000f
Codec Tag String [15][0][0][0]
Codec Type audio
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Profile LC
R Frame Rate 0/0
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Sample Rate 48000
Start Pts 3535283190
Start Time 39280.924333
Tags {"variant_bitrate"=>"1300000"}
Time Base 1/90000
Avg Frame Rate 0/0
Bits Per Sample 0
Channel Layout stereo
Channels 2
Codec Long Name AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
Codec Name aac
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Codec Tag String [15][0][0][0]
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Profile LC
R Frame Rate 0/0
Sample Fmt fltp
Sample Rate 48000
Start Pts 3535104630
Start Time 39278.940333
Tags {"variant_bitrate"=>"1600000"}
Time Base 1/90000