Provider Datacamp Limited
Location United States
Time Zone America/Chicago
streaming from United States



No preview available

IP geolocation is the mapping of an IP address to the geographic location. By geographically mapping the IP address, it provides you with location information such as the country, state, city, zip code, latitude/longitude, ISP, area code, and other information

A simple IP location lookup from url tested, show result that tested stream server located in United States.
Datacamp Limited used by this stream tested for hosting their content, ISP found using ARIN's WHOIS service that also used for finding contact and registration information for IP addresses and it is freely available to access.
Format Long Name Matroska / WebM
Format Name matroska,webm
Nb Programs 0
Nb Streams 3
Probe Score 100
Start Time 1683808224.783000
Tags Compatible Brands = iso6dash Encoder = Lavf60.3.100 Major Brand = iso6 Minor Version = 0
Avg Frame Rate 30/1
Bits Per Raw Sample 8
Chroma Location left
Closed Captions 0
Codec Long Name H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
Codec Name h264
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Codec Tag String [0][0][0][0]
Codec Type video
Coded Height 720
Coded Width 1280
Display Aspect Ratio 16:9
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Extradata Size 54
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Height 720
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Level 31
Nal Length Size 4
Pix Fmt yuv420p
Profile High
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Refs 1
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Start Pts 1683808224853
Start Time 1683808224.853000
Tags {"ENCODER"=>"h264", "HANDLER_NAME"=>"USP Video Handler", "VENDOR_ID"=>"[0][0][0][0]"}
Time Base 1/1000
Width 1280
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Channel Layout stereo
Channels 2
Codec Long Name AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
Codec Name aac
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Profile LC
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Sample Rate 48000
Start Pts 1683808224783
Start Time 1683808224.783000
Tags {"ENCODER"=>"Lavc60.3.100 aac", "HANDLER_NAME"=>"USP Sound Handler", "VENDOR_ID"=>"[0][0][0][0]", "language"=>"spa"}
Time Base 1/1000
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Codec Name aac
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Extradata Size 5
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Sample Rate 48000
Start Pts 1683808224783
Start Time 1683808224.783000
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Time Base 1/1000